In the vibrant Swansea Bay area, Neath is distinguished by its rich historical landmarks and the scenic Neath Valley. The region’s climate, characterised by moisture and variable weather, can accumulate moss, lichen, algae, and detritus on rooftops. These elements not only mar the aesthetic of properties but also threaten their structural soundness. Our expert roof cleaning services in Neath Port Talbot aim to tackle these problems, ensuring that your roof remains attractive and functional.
Keeping your roof in good condition is vital for several reasons. It enhances your property’s visual appeal and prolongs the roofing materials’ durability. Regular exterior cleaning wards off harmful organisms and debris that can wear down your roof over time, potentially causing leaks and other expensive damages. Our services safeguard your investment by keeping your roof in optimal condition.
Our roof cleaning process incorporates cutting-edge technologies tailored to the specific needs of each roof. We prefer the soft wash method, which combines low-pressure washing techniques with eco-friendly and biodegradable cleaning agents.
This method effectively removes unsightly biological growth and stains without the risk of potential damage, and it is ideal for both residential and commercial properties in Neath.
No two roofs are the same, and our approach reflects this reality. We conduct thorough assessments of each roof to determine the most effective exterior cleaning service and method, customising our services to match your roof’s particular conditions and materials. Our team has the skills and tools to expertly clean all roofs, including slate, tile, shingle, or metal.
Health and Safety: A clean roof helps prevent the growth of mould and mildew, which can pose health risks to the occupants.
Roof cleaning is essential to prevent the accumulation of moss, lichen, and algae, which can hold moisture and cause damage to roof tiles, particularly given Neath’s moist climate.
After deep cleaning your roof, we recommend applying a biocide treatment every three to five years as part of a maintenance plan. This treatment will prevent the moss and algae from growing, ensuring your roof looks its best.
Soft washing is a method that requires no pressure whatsoever, yet it is long-lasting and cleans effectively. We use an approved chemical that is effective in killing and preventing the growth of moss.
Yes, routinely removing harmful elements can prevent material degradation, thus extending the life of your roof and preventing early deterioration.
When we apply our cleaning solutions, we recommend that all pets and children be kept indoors. No overspray from this process will exist, so your plants will not be harmed.
Typically, it’s best to clear the perimeter around your home and ensure that all windows and doors are closed to prevent dirt and water from entering during the cleaning process.
Yes, we offer a 2-year satisfaction guarantee that no moss will grow back within this timeframe.
We are a local, friendly, and professional company based in Neath to ensure your peace of mind.
07786 017559
Swansea Clean & Seal
12 Tirbach Rd
Monday – 08.00 – 22.00
Tuesday – 08.00 – 22.00
Wednesday – 08.00 – 22.00
Thursday – 08.00 – 22.00
Friday – 08.00 – 22.00
Saturday – 08.00 – 22.00
Sunday – 08.00 – 22.00