We offer exceptional pressure washing service in Cardiff and surrounding areas. Our expert professionals are well-equipped to bring your property back to life.
Looking to get your outdoor areas cleaned up and looking their best? We can help with that! Our professional pressure washing service can get rid of all the dirt, dust, and grease that has built up over time, leaving your property looking brand new. Our experienced professionals will take care of your driveway, patio, decking, and sidewalks with ease. Plus, we offer a range of convenient payment options to fit your needs. Schedule a consultation today to see how we can help you achieve the cleanest porch, patio, or driveway in town.
Our pressure washing service in Cardiff by Swansea Clean & Seal is the perfect solution for any property that needs a quick and thorough clean. We use the latest detailing equipment and techniques to ensure that your property is left looking sparkling clean and free from any dirt, dust or debris. Our team of experienced professionals are here to help you with all of your cleaning needs, no matter how big or small. We offer a wide range of services including window cleaning, pressure washing, carpentry, garden care and more. Call us today for a free consultation and let us show you just how effective our pressure washing service can be!
We use the latest equipment and techniques to get rid of all the dirt, grime, and debris that has built up over time. So whether you need to clean an entire car park or just a small section, we can help. Plus, our prices are extremely competitive so you won’t have to spend a fortune to get your space looking its best.
Looking to get your patio looking its best? We offer a pressure washing service that can help get rid of all the dirt, dust, and debris that has built up over time. Our team is experienced and will take care to clean every nook and cranny, leaving your patio looking its best once again.
We offer a pressure washing service for cleaning decks and railings. Our experienced professionals use the latest equipment and techniques to get your deck looking new again quickly and affordably. We also offer a variety of other services such as stain removal, tree care, and more.
If you’re looking for a reliable and affordable way to clean your driveway, consider hiring our pressure washing service. We use state-of-the-art equipment to remove all the dirt, dust, and debris so that your driveway is looking its best once again.
We offer a wide range of pressure cleaning services that include Tarmac cleaning, which is perfect for cleaning dirty surfaces like driveways and parking lots. Plus, our experienced staff will make sure your property is cleaned to your satisfaction.
We use high-pressure jets to remove all the dirt, debris, and stains and give you a clean walkway or sidewalk. This service is perfect for keeping your walking areas looking their best.
Quality pressure washing is an essential service that helps to keep your driveway, sidewalks, and walkways clean and free of dirt and debris. We use the highest quality equipment to get your surface ready for a fresh coat of paint or sealant. Our team is experienced in all types of weather conditions, so you can trust us to get the job done right. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to clean your property, pressure washing may be the perfect solution for you. Our affordable pressure-washing solution can get rid of dirt, dust, and other debris quickly and easily. Plus, our experienced professionals will work hard to ensure your property looks its best after the cleaning process is complete. Contact us today to learn more about our pressure-washing services.
Warren Osborne2023-11-10Extremely happy from the first contact to day of the gutter clean.. great job, friendly and professional.. I would highly recommend
Gareth Dummer2023-08-12Great cleaning of stone patio and resin drive
Keiran Walters2023-07-28I found this company online and got a prompt response for pressure washing services. Chris turned up on time, done an excellent compared to previous companies I’ve used and also tided up afterwards. I would recommend Swansea Clean & Seal to anyone for their pressure washing services. ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Igor Hadziabdic2023-06-12We had the front of our house cleaned and next door.The house looks amazing and great job, would highly recommend.
Gail M2023-06-05We were extremely impressed by Chris from Swansea Clean and Seal. He was very prompt to respond to the initial inquiry and in providing the subsequent quote, which was very competitive. The work was carried out to a very high standard and has made such a difference to the block paving. We also liked that his attention to detail extended to ensuring that all the dirt created from the jet washing was cleaned from the affected ground floor windows and the lower part of the terrace. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend Chris and in fact, have already booked for him to return to clean another area!
Dylan Phillips2023-05-20Fantastic work by Chris. He restored our patio and driveway along with our facias and guttering. Highly recommend and wouldn’t use anyone else now going forward. Thank you Chris. 👌
Brian Lewis2023-05-17Our uPvc weather boards and cladding had become very dirty over the last few years, despite an attempt by another contractor to clean them. After a visit by Chris of Swansea Clean and Seal they look almost as good as new. Excellent job at a good price, plus a very nice guy.
Jonny Pullan2023-04-21Brilliant service from Swansea clean and seal. Used this company due to there good reviews and feedback and liked the look of the website. Chris did a fantastic job. Extremely professional and efficient. Would highly recommend and will definitely be using chris again.
tracey elsey2023-04-20Had my 3 patios cleaned by Chris and what a fantastic job he's done. Competitive price and also done the little extras like washing the down pipes and gutters. Would totally recommend 👌
Rhiannon Evans2023-04-17Amazing service from Chris today, he has been extremely professional and polite from start to finish, I'd highly recommend and will definitely be using his services again in the near future 🙂Google rating score: 4.9 of 5, based on 33 reviews
If you’re looking for a reliable, affordable way to clean your property then calling us is the perfect solution. We offer a wide range of pressure washing services that can be tailored to meet your specific needs, and our team of experienced professionals will take care of everything while ensuring a high-quality finish. So, what are you waiting for? Call us now and get a free pressure cleaning quote.
07786 017559
Swansea Clean & Seal
12 Tirbach Rd
Monday – 08.00 – 22.00
Tuesday – 08.00 – 22.00
Wednesday – 08.00 – 22.00
Thursday – 08.00 – 22.00
Friday – 08.00 – 22.00
Saturday – 08.00 – 22.00
Sunday – 08.00 – 22.00